€300.00 EUR
The main text reads: “STAY AWAY FROM BIGOTTI”, followed by a description which specifies that it is “3 acts and a final painting by PINO LONARDI”.
Under this main title, in smaller, blue font, appears the name Gilberto Govi, a famous Italian theater actor known for his performances in the Genoese dialect. The text continues by mentioning “al Nuovo Teatro Genovese”, probably referring to an ongoing or imminent show or performance in that theatre.
The following paragraph appears to be some sort of statement by Gilberto Govi. He talks about his long theatrical career which spanned over half a century and his involvement with the Genoese theatre. Govi expresses regret for having to abandon the theater, due to age and health, but at the same time offers his best wishes for the future of the Genoese theater, hoping that it will continue to prosper even without his presence.
In the end, Gilberto Govi signs his name, leaving an affectionate and optimistic message for the public and for the city of Genoa.
The poster commemorates one of Govi's last shows or appearances, celebrating his artistic legacy and his connection to the theater and the Genoese community.